As part of the SPP Ramp Capability Product-Settlements release, BSS and Notifications Web Service modifications will be effective in production on February 24, 2022. This release will include updates to the Settlement Management System (SMS) to include the following Revision Requests:
· RR361 – Ramp Capability Products
· RR441 – Ramp Capability Products Settlements Protocol Corrections
· RR470 – Ramp Capability Products Miscellaneous Settlements Clean-up Items
· RR288 – DVER Dispatch Instructions Rule Clean-up
· RR442 – Desired Dispatch Settlement Definition Alignment
Below is a brief description of each Revision Request as provided by SPP:
RR361 – Ramp Capability Products
SPP is introducing Ramp capability products (ramp-up and ramp-down) to the Integrated Marketplace. The procurement of Ramp product in Market will systematically pre-position resources with ramp capability to manage net load variations and uncertainties. For additional information on changes to the Markets system, see the Markets Release 2.6 MIPO located in the CUF Markets Release 2.6 folder on; The addition of the Ramping Capability product will result in:
· Reduced system scarcity of traditional reserves (Regulation and Contingency), and thus reduced price spikes
· More transparent pricing and payment of flexibility needs
· More efficient operation of Transmission System with less reliance on short-term/manual commitments for uncertainty
· Increased flexibility to resolve multiple constraints (including transmission constraints/flowgates)
· Settlement changes to support Ramp Capability Products include new bill determinants, new charge types, and changes to public reports.
RR441 – Ramp Capability Products Settlements Protocol Corrections
During development of the market design for RR361 (Ramp Capability Products), SPP settlements staff discovered clean-up items needed in order to accurately implement the Ramp Product design. The changes presented in this RR are as follows:
· Section (Day-Ahead Combined Interested Resource Adjustment Amount) – The variable EqrDaRampDnCirHrlyPrc a, s, h is missing the “Da” in the variable to specify this variable is for Day-Ahead. This RR adds in the missing Da.
· Section (Day-Ahead Ramp Capability Up Amount) – The variable DaRampUpAoAmt a, m, d is missing “Ao”. This variable is used for calculating the daily amount for each Market Participant, summed up from Asset Owner amounts. This RR adds in the missing Ao.
· Section (Day-Ahead Ramp Capability Down Amount) – The variable DaRampDnAoAmt a, m, d is missing “Ao”. This variable is used for calculating the daily amount for each Market Participant, summed up from Asset Owner amounts. This RR adds in the missing Ao.
· Section (Day-Ahead Ramp Capability Up Distribution Amount) – The variable DARampUpDistDlyAmt a, z, d incorrectly capitalizes the A in “DA”. This RR lowercases the “a”.
· Section (Day-Ahead Ramp Capability Down Distribution Amount) – The variable DARampDnDistDlyAmt a, z, d incorrectly capitalizes the A in “DA”. This RR lowercases the “a”.
· Section (Real-Time Out-of-Merit Amount) – This RR deletes out language in this section, specific to Deselect Flags for Ramp Products, because Deselect Flags will not exist for Ramp Products.
RR470 – Ramp Capability Products Miscellaneous Settlements Clean-up Items
During the development for RR361 (Ramp Capability Products), additional settlements protocol corrections were discovered. They are as follows:
· Real-Time Ramp Capability Non-Performance Amount – There is an erroneous “minus” located at the end of the sentence in (1) (b).
· 4.5.12 Revenue Neutrality Uplift Distribution Amount – In the calculation for Real-Time Revenue
· Inadequacy Amount (RtRevInadqcSppAmt), the following two variables incorrectly use “5min” and “Hrly”:
o Incorrect: RtRampNonPerf5minAmt – Correct: RtRampNonPerfMpAmt
o Incorrect: RtRampNonPerfDistHrlyAmt – Correct: RtRampNonPerfDistMpAmt
This RR ensures RR361 (Ramp Capability Products) and RR441 (Ramp Capability Products Settlements Protocol Corrections) are accurately implemented.
RR288 – DVER Dispatch Instruction Rules Clean-up
When this functionality is enabled in the Integrated Marketplace, DVERs will have the ability to utilize control statuses as appropriate and dispatch instructions will be calculated accordingly. The settlement specific changes associated with this RR are included in RR442.
RR442 – Desired Dispatch Settlement Definition Alignment
RR288 (DVER Dispatch Instruction Rules Clean-up) changed the definition of Desired Energy for Dispatchable Variable Energy Resources (DVERs) resulting in the need to update language to remain consistent with the definition. It was also necessary to update the settlements definitions for the following determinants that were not captured in RR288: RtDesiredEn5minQty, RtDispDesiredEn5minQty, and RtOomDesiredEn5minQty. Also, a new input to settlements for Real-Time Capability quantity is required to correctly calculate Desired Energy based on the new definition.
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